New Incoming 9th Graders

Lindblom Math & Science Academy is one of eleven selective enrollment Chicago public high schools, located in Englewood on Chicago's South Side. Lindblom is consistently rated one of the best high schools in Illinois.


Lindblom is an inclusive, challenging, and supportive community that empowers students to become compassionate leaders who understand, engage, and impact the world

"Belief' Pillars: SCHOOL HOURS: 8:00 a.m. - 3:05pm EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT:

Lindblom offers a demanding college preparatory curriculum where all core courses are offered at the Honors or Advanced Placement level. Students are offered opportunities beyond the traditional high school curriculum; therefore, there are high expectations for Lindblom students.


Colloquium day consists of 4 flex periods, 1 colloquium period and an advisory period. Flex are support classes that students select weekly. Colloquium class explore topics that extend and expand the traditional classroom curriculum


Students are expected to access the same curriculum as their peers, though accommodations and/or support services on the IEP may be necessary. The same curricular outcomes are expected for students with disabilities. Therefore, the role to special education staff is to provide support which enable students to meet course standards.


Lindblom offers a wide variety of athletics: football, cross country, soccer, swimming, golf, cheerleading, pom pon's, basketball, bowling, baseball, volleyball, 16" softball, track, wrestling, water polo, girls' rugby and tennis.


Lindblom provides additional extra curricular activities: Academic Decathlon, Debate, Robotics, Art Club, Chess Club, Drama Club, Gay/Straight Alliance, Student Government, Yearbook, Math Team, ANIME Club, Chinese Club and Underwater Robotics

ACADEMIC CENTER (7TH & 8TH Grade Program):

The Lindblom Academic Center program provides talented seventh and eighth grade students greater access to accelerated course work at the high school level.

Lindblom's policy on admissions adheres to the policies and procedures set by the Chicago Public Schools' Office of Academic Enhancement.