Dietetic internship letter of application sample

You aren’t alone. This is one of our most FAQs! “How do I sell myself? How do I brag without sounding like I am bragging? How do I stand out? What do I even write about? Where do I begin?”

Personal statement prompt

DICAS states that you must answer the following questions in your personal statement:

-Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession?

-Discuss experiences that have helped to prepare you for your career.

-What are your short-term and long-term goals?

-What are your strengths and weaknesses or areas needing improvement?

-What other information do you consider important for the selection decision?

Reminder: A maximum of 1,000 words may be entered for the personal statement section on DICAS. Some DI or RD programs may have different character and word limits, so make sure to double-check before submitting.

Why it’s important

The personal statement is arguably the most important part of your application when applying for dietetic internships. DI programs want to get to know you, and why you would be an asset to their program. Personal statements are a place for you to showcase your talents, focus on your strengths, and set yourself apart from the crowd. It can help you get one step closer to landing the dietetic internship or RD program of your dreams! It’s not easy to begin, but making a strong personal statement is a key to success.

After helping thousands of people write personal statements, we have the recipe you need to help yours stand out.

Sign up for the FREE Dietetic Internships Toolkit to get the Personal Statement Checklist.

Here’s a preview of how to break down the personal statement:

1. Why do you want to enter dietetics?

2. Discuss what has prepared you for a dietetic internship.

3. What are your short-term and long-term goals?

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths : If you are going to say what you are good at, you need an example to prove it

Weaknesses : Have a weakness you are actively improving or improved. Think areas of GROWTH, not LACK.

5. Why are you applying to this program?

-End your letter with a paragraph on why this program matches your experience and goals.

Feeling stuck on your last paragraph?

Don’t fret! In Jenny’s personal statement webinar, she is sharing the strategies our Get Matched Coaching clients use to write a powerful conclusion paragraph for your dietetic internship personal statement. Using these strategies you can be sure you will “wow” the selection committee.

Ready to dive into DICAS? Work with a coach to bring your application to the next level.

Get an expert coach in your corner helping you through every step of this confusing application journey. You’ll get the exact roadmap, personalized advice, application reviews, accountability, and confidence that will bring you one step closer to becoming a dietitian. Learn more about Get Matched Coaching here.

Check out these posts for more advice, tips, and tricks on navigating all things DICAS.